Spider has recently completed assessment and achieved Cyber Essentials certification. Backed by HM Government’s National Cyber Security Centre, Cyber Essentials helps businesses mitigate common cyber threats and demonstrates a commitment to cyber security.

Cyber Essentials certification

The Cyber Essentials scheme is a cyber security standard, which organisations can be assessed and certified against. It identifies the security controls that an organisation must have in place within their IT systems in order to have confidence that they are addressing cyber security effectively and mitigating the risk from Internet-based threats.

The core focus is on five essential mitigation strategies:

  • Boundary Firewalls and Internet Gateways
  • Secure Configuration
  • Access Control
  • Malware Protection
  • Patch Management

The scheme provides organisations with clear guidance on implementation and offers independent certification.

Whilst providing an essential level of protection, the Cyber Essentials scheme enables organisations that believe they are practicing robust cyber security to benefit by making this a unique selling point for their business. Upon certification, businesses can then demonstrate to their customers that their data is adequately protected and that they take cyber security seriously.

If you need support with your website or IT security, give us a call on 0141 353 0574 or drop us an email. We would love to help.